1. Improved blood circulation
2. A healthier heart

Most people don't know this, but the leg muscles play a huge role in blood circulation...
...particularly in returning blood from the lower body to the heart.If you remember circulation from your biology classes back then, it's basically how blood gets oxygen from the lungs, & this oxygenated blood is pumped by the heart to other parts of the body
that need it through the arteries. The veins then return this deoxygenated blood back to the heart (in a process called venous return), and the circle continues. Don’t get bored yet! Here's the interesting part!
Your heart isnt strong enough to pump blood from your legs by itself because of the effects of gravity,so this venous return is aided by contractions of some muscle pumps in your legs.Whenever you squeeze your leg muscles while walking,kicking,moving about...
or exercising,you're aiding this process & making it & your heart stronger( because it doesn't have to overstress). Research has also shown that regular exercise can help improve this process & even help improve certain conditions caused when it fails.
What does this mean? Move more often, do exercises to strengthen your leg muscles like squats, lunges, single-leg deadlifts, calf raises, side squats e.t.c. I posted a home leg workout on my IG ( @eimeekay). You can go do the routine.
Have an amazing week!💕
You can follow @eimeekay.
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