I wrote my own interpretations of each song in D-2 because I don't want to do my homework (pls don't bash me for it, I'm up for a conversation instead)
Moonlight- Yoongi talks about his constant juxtaposition in his life, such as his earnings, his motivation to write music, etc. His life changes a lot, whether that change is in a few seconds or takes over 5 years. No matter what he feels at moments like frustration or anger, +
+ Moonlight- everything is a choice and it depends on him to choose. Even if his life changes, he knows there will be things that stay the same: the moonlight that he always looked at.
Daechwita- Yoongi feels like a king, he wants people to know he feels like a king. It’s what he wants people to perceive him by: tough and on top. He feels amazing that he became successful through actual hard work rather than popping pills. Even though he feels like he’s on +
+ Daechwita- top, he’s not sure what to do when he’s successful, he always “looked up” and tried to reach his goals, but now he got all his goals, he wants to watch over people, like a guardian angel. He wants to be his humble self and watch over people than to be constantly +
+ Daechwaita- egotistical about his fame since he has everything.
+ Daechwita- There was an ARMY who said the real king in the MV was the commoner Yoongi and the “king” was an imposter, so basing off of this, the “king” is what Yoongi wants people to perceive him by and the commoner Yoongi is what Yoongi desires when he had his reality check.
What Do You Think- He doesn’t give a shit about haters’ thoughts about him. For haters: go fuck yourself 💜
Strange- The world, the society as the world, is a system that deludes people into wanting money and fills people with hope to reach their goals, but in reality, everyone’s slaving away because of capitalism. No matter how much a person thinks they have control in their life by +
+Strange- wealth, stubbornness, etc. Everyone’s being controlled by capitalism and everyone has to be controlled to survive and fit in with this society. People who are different will be criticized and no matter what happens to people, capitalism will always be in the top power.
28- Yoongi’s almost 30 and he’s scared since he realizes he’s actually growing up. For him, ignorance is bliss, but when he grows up day by day, he learns more about the world and wishes he never learned about the world. He found out about the reality aspect of becoming an +
+ 28- adult and wants to live for a day where he has no worries or concerns, a place where ignorance is truly bliss.
Burn It- Yoongi wants to forget his past self, but he’s not sure if he’ll truly forget or will always have to remember. At the same time, his current self is the same as his past self, so it doesn’t matter which self to forget, again, relating back to ignorance is bliss. +
+ Burn It- As a reminder to himself, if he chooses to give up, then he’ll see it as courage for himself.
People- People will always have to live, similarly to him. Everyone’s human, we were born, we live for a while, we die, and we eventually will be forgotten. There’s not that many special things that are going by, people just need to live and eventually change.
Honsool- Yoongi feels like his life is always the same, his daily routine is exhausting, but he gets through it, like he’s flying. He’s flying through days with the same routine. He gets scared of his fame, he never realized in the past how hard it can be when he’s successful. +
+ Honsool- Even though he gets scared and thinks a lot about his life, it doesn’t matter in the end and has to live his life as is.
Interlude: Set Me Free- Yoongi wants to be free, he wants to be ignorant towards the world, even if he knows the repercussions of being free. He really wants to have the “ignorance is bliss” feeling, but his expectations as an artist hold him back from obtaining that feeling.
Dear My Friend- Yoongi talks about his friend who he misses while he hates. He reminisces about the past where he and his friend talk about conquering the world and having big dreams, then his friend changed and went down the wrong path. Even if his friend was in a detention +
+ Dear My Friend- center, Yoongi would visit since he considers his friend as a dear friend to him. When the friend got released, the friend changed completely at that moment, both Yoongi and his friend realized they both changed so much, not necessarily because of time, but +
+ Dear My Friend- the events that caused both of them to change. Yoongi thinks back if he found out his friend wasn’t doing good things, he wonders if the two would still be friends, he wonders about a different life if he stuck with his friend. The only thing Yoongi can do now +
+ Dear My Friend- is remember back those memories and miss his friend, despite hating him for changing.
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