Labour risks taking too much from the Cummings row. Yes, this will damage Johnson. And yes Keir Starmer and team have gotten off to a great start. But Labour must not again expect to approach next GE relying on Tories losing it for themselves.
EUROPE: Labour should be unequivocal that a future Labour government will not take us back into the EU. People must *hear* and *believe* that a first-term Keir Starmer Labour Government isn’t going to re-open that wound.
IMMIGRATION: Labour must back, and be seen to back, a points-based immigration system. It can, and should, devise what that looks like, but unless the public knows that it does, we haven’t moved with the public.
WELFARE: Labour must chart its own course on what a contributory system looks like, and win the argument. Not have the same fights of the past decade on welfare. And not just propose scrapping things.
Unless Labour addresses it’s strategic electoral weaknesses in the next year (think 2010-11 and welfare and economy), we rely on Johnson messing up. Hitherto, despite what we think of them, he has shown to he better at this than we are. Might hurt, but that’s price of our inertia
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