@ss_suryawanshi 's book has caught imagination of a lot of people. I am yet to read it and I am really not the right person to comment how good or bad it is. People have given their verdict, specially when there are three books in the market. I am here to congratulate Sudhir...
...for his sheer guts to continue seeking and getting information as a journalist in the times when he was left jobless after the abrupt shutdown of the paper he was working for. I used to talk to Sudhir occassionally during this time...
...and he gave a great insight which should be useful in understanding why his book is doing so well. He said and I quote...Deepak, when we are in a job, we are controlled either directly or indirectly by the market forces and that binds us.
As I do not have any job, people are coming to me with sheer information which is pure and raw. All I am doing is collating it and putting it in public forum without any restrictions that come with a job. This led to the runaway success of his...
...initial foray of @katta_news and his incessant tweeting during the time of govt formation in Maharashtra. He stayed ahead in the game by breaking information as it came to him. There were occasions when he was/and will be called out for a few inaccuracies...
...but that's an occupational hazard in the life of a political journalist. Sudhir was unbound, not restricted by institutional checks and thus scored over many. It was a case study of what can happen what a media house, however small, can achieve if it stuck to basics.
Just as a lot of people are admiring his book, there will be a few deniers. The thing to remember here is that Sudhir compiled this in the face of remaining jobless forever and staring at obliteration. Kudos to his grit.
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