After reading some books on shame by Christian psychologists, I realize how I have underestimated shame as an influence in human life.
That horrible feeling: "I don't measure up, I'm less than I should be, and other people can see!" It's powerful and pervasive.
Behind anger, defiance, fear, avoidance, excuses, shame can be lurking.
The story shame says is: "Hide." That's how you cover shame. But of course hiding is perfect for shame to grow and deepen, like mold.
Ever notice how the NT doesn't talk about the physical agony of crucifixion, but it does talk about the shame of it?
Jesus entered into shame more deeply than we ever will, so that we could be dignified and honored.
When I have those horrible, painful, twinging memories of shame, I've found the best thing is not to tell myself to stop it, but to think about Jesus being ashamed and exposed and in pain - and he's there with me. Makes a bigger difference than you'd think.
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