just in the past few days there have been posts on the korean ti tag about how upset/afraid they are about receiving his pc in the album, how it's useless bc they won't be able to trade for their fav members bc "nobody would want him"
how they would sell his pcs for even 50 cents bc they're that desperate for someone to take it off their hands and even deciding to tear them up if nobody buys it. he gets hated on like this simply bc he's unattractive to them? unpopular? gets in the way of their ship?
i don't know what to do other than ignore and block and report. i read and feel hurt by all these tweets but i choose not to share them in english simply bc i don't want to spread all this negativity about him but it also makes me feel like an idiot
i don't know why it's so hard to just.. not talk about someone you don't like or care about? what exactly do you get out of declaring your hatred for someone?
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