You guys wanna hear a story about a shadowgroup of + 40 yr old miners hidden in a waterdam calling themselves "The Litecoin Mafia"?
A Chatroom regular introduced me to this young kid with a fulltime interest in Litecoin. This was back in 2014 when 'shorting Litecoin' was the new rage. No exact idea how old, but he couldn't have been older than 16 yrs old. He was behind some of the most viral meme's om CT.
At the time, "shorting Litecoin" was dubbed as guaranteed money. It dropped day after day. The kid used to nag me with all these immature questions about the price. I couldn't care less. Sometimes I'd try and answer. Sometimes I didn't. I simply had no interest in it.
Everytime we started chatting we'd end up at Litecoin. And he'd tell me how much it hurts to lose money. I try'd my best to reassure buddy and sometimes shill some good-looking coins. I honestly try'd to help the kid. But he was only interested in one thing..
So one day he DM's me and tells me he sold everything just so he could buy back again later. Next message is a crying emoji followed by a screenshot.
Not long after, price started picking up slowly. I received new messages. I could sense some panic. He asked me what to do. So I zoomed in on the screenshot he send earlier just to check out his trades.

"LOL! This kid is full of shit".
The screenshot showed a couple of million dollars worth of sells. Big blocks sold in one go. And that was just a single page. I didn't believe any of it. Whatever. Dude is young on his 'fake it til you make it'- bullshit. Not gonna judge.
He'd spam my inbox asking me to tell him when to buy back everytime price went up. He'd share all these news articles, tweets, comments. He must have felt naked without his $LTC. So one day I grow tired of his shit and tell him to buy based on some simple MACD shit or so.
I dont know the exact time in between. Could have been 1 day or a week after he bought. But the price started rising like it hadn't done for a while. This was when he really started to confuse me with Nostradamus. He obviously try'd to connect on a personal level. Become friends.
In my mind this kid was still posing. So I mentioned the screenshot, and he'd send me all these photographs of an ugly kid in a fucking palace 'as proof'.
Man whatever. We keep in touch for a while. I'm focusing on some new shitcoins. Throw the kid a bone sometime. Not sure what to make of him, but royalty or not, he's doing a great job shilling my calls on Twitter..
So one day I ask him if he's still holding Litecoin. He sais 'yes'. I tell him to sell because it looks like it's about to drop. He's clearly thinking different mentioning these new indicators he's using now. I didn't want to push it. Cool. Just hodl then... He sais; "OKE"
2 Mins later the orderbook gets wiped.
He tells me he just sold and Im thinking 'wow, just in time'..
Im chasing shitcoins at the time and ask dude if he'd like to pitch in a couple of BTC. Sais he's only interested in Litecoin. Doesn't wanna hear about anything other than Bitcoin's silver. This goes on for a while. Until one day I point his attention to this new coin; Bitmark.
I was trading sizes of 5-20 BTC when it came to alts. Back then, there was no Binance. You'd be lucky to fill up $1000 on a hyped coin. It wasn't strange for alts to rise +10,000%. Vericoin, Blackcoin, Cinni.. The trick was to turn $100 into $10K and repeat. Not $10K into $1000K.
My friend didn't understand this concept. He failed to understand the purpose of having an exit. Mind you. I'm still not buying his earlier shit. I tell him to buy a few $100 worth of $BTM. Relax, let it breath.
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