I'm disgusted at the shitty takes @ mqmqqmqm been spewing these months. I'm born and raised in China and later went studying in the US. My family's annual income is around $50k just putting this here before they paint me as "one of the rich". this will be a thread,.
American gen Z are discontent with the problems and inequalities in the current US system. They hate how the rich people wont pay workers fairly and how their government couldn't react to the pandemic better. @mqmqqmqm deliberately uses their discontent to glorify CCP.
By painting China as "the real Communist state", and by deliberately ignoring how China has been mistreating us, its own citizens, during this pandemic, and cherry-picking stuff from CCP propaganda material, @mqmqqmqm paints China as the "misunderstood good Communists".
I, as a Chinese student in a US college, understand how US young people feel upset with the rising living costs, and want a bigger government and more socialist policies to better their lives. It's disgusting of you to use this to glorify an authoritarian capitalist regime.
If we were to talk about a socialist government/socialist party/more socialist policies any sane human being would be looking at the few countries in northern Europe. China is not a socialist state, plain and simple. It's as far from socialism as any country can be.
"My cousin in chinese prisons say they've been locking up capitalists"?
Good way to use American young people's anger towards American capitalists underpaying them, huh.
Then why are Chinese workers forced to work 12 hrs/day 6 days/week and getting arrested for unionizing?
Why did the students from China's top university get arrested and silenced too for supporting the workers?
Also do you know how many people get thrown into those prisons secretly per year for speaking up for the poor?
Do you know poor people get locked up and beaten by police for 上访(shang fang, citizens seeking help from higher up officials, usually because they're trying to get paid by their employer) ? Do you know the government even threatens to harm their family?
You said "Chinese government treats every COVID patient for free and delivers free food to quarantined citizens".
Do you know how the hospitals would find every reason to not diagnose you with COVID, and would try everything to make you pay for it yourself?
Do you know how they put chains and locks on people's doors without permission to basically lock them inside? Do you know all people still have to pay for food, and anyone who dares saying "it's too expensive" gets silenced and cyberbullied?
Lastly do you know China essentially bans its own citizens in other countries to go home during the pandemic, from now to October?Only way to go home is to purchase tickets 10-20 times the price. And these tickets are "coordinated" by Chinese Embassies.
In America where people have basic human rights and freedom of speech, where people can vote for what policies they want, they can choose to have socialism or capitalism. China is an authoritarian regime where the government's power is out of control.
So stop pretending China is "socialist" just because CCP claims to be so. Stop pretending American leftists want something like CCP when they are calling for *real* socialism. Without freedom of speech and expression, without the rights to vote, Chinese people have no choice.
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