1/ Five days after my Covid duty ended, I started having nasal congestion, fatigue, and a mildly sore throat. Yesterday, I got tested for Covid and it came back positive. I only have a mild disease which will hopefully go away in a couple of days. But here's the thing:
2/ I did my duties in full PPE: 3 layers of clothing and gloves, and least 2 masks, one being an N95. I got back home, kept all my stuff in a separate area, and took a long warm bath before going anywhere near my family. I still somehow got infected, and my family is at risk.
3/ We need to be careful. Going out without masks, not following protocols/maintaining adequate distance is going to make things worse. We've seen how markets were packed these last few days, and now cases are increasing. We are not only putting ourselves at risk but others too.
4/ I actually worked in conditions far better than our Govt. hospitals where I've previously worked. All Health-care Workers require PPE. Don't force them to work without it, it's criminal. And it's everyone's loss as infected personnel cannot work & there is already a shortage.
5/ Also, a lot is being said about PPE, esp. masks, being adequate in our Govt. hospitals which is a lie. People have to wear a single surgical mask for as many as 5 days, if not more. I know there's a shortage of equipment & we have to manage but hey, don't send it outside then.
6/ Give grants/ bonuses to anyone you want, no one truly cares, but at least equip your HCWs enough that they can go home safely to their loved ones. Every HCW deserves protection; it is their right.
8/ If you have trouble, consult a doctor or med student you know. I'll be in quarantine for about two weeks, so feel free to ask for any medical help.

Stay home. Stay safe. Maintain distance. Wear a mask.
Eid Mubarak!
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