Until i fall asleep
you prolly not gon win because you a dick.
You look like what i imagine bad sex feels like.
Your voice is nails on a chalkboard with an amplifier and i wish you'd just write signs.
Your mother's jollof is just ketchup over minute rice.
You look like an unpleasant smell.
I hope you get to have sex with another person.
Tell your momma i said "hey boo."
You have the voice of an angel. Lucifer.
You are my favorite Drake lyric. I don't like Drake.
Fix your headboard
I hope whoever you hate has a horrible week. Eid Mubarak
I hate how funny you are and i hope you get writer's block for 72 hours.
I'd send your nudes back.
Your mustache frames your mouth beautifully, ma'am.
They can find your clit they just don't want to.
You need a hug. Probably won't get one because your personality sucks. But i can tell you need one.
You're one of my top 3 favorite people. Swimming pools. Movie stars.
I feel like you know your mother couldn't afford the abortion and you're just kinda hanging around until...
Your partner is cheating on you. You know it in you're heart, right?
No amount of success will change the fact that you are a trash human at your core. Congrats tho.
Oh nah I'm not tweeting about you because you...nah.
You have "my mommy didn't love me so I'm gon take it out on these females" energy and tbh Covid would be a mercy on you.
That natural deodorant isn't working. You need the aluminum, beloved.
You look like you peg dudes for free but they gotta cash app you for phone calls.
Your makeup is always a little off. But you be trying
You look like an accountant that's bad at math.
You are no one's type. But that's ok...you're tall.
Your eyes are just a liiiitle off like a bad boob job.
You look like you call the police on Black women for braiding their children's hair. I really don't like your face. Structurally
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