i dont care if i get flack for this but please unfollow me if you consider pansexual as a separate identity from bisexual when it’s literally the same. im so sick of bi erasure
“i just dont feel comfortable with bi pan feels better” and why is that? bi has always meant attraction to everyone and simply dumbing it down to “men and women only” has only occurred due to this new usage of pansexuality, which was founded on transphobia
evaluate your biphobia and acknowledge the immense amount of biphobia that has occured in lgbt history and even now. pansexuality will never replace bisexuality.
id like to add on to this thread and state that my own feelings do have an influence on why i believe this but truthfully i believe that pansexuality as well as other similar identities should be under the bisexual umbrella (sometimes called bi+) as explained through this:
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