Why people don’t believe me when I say Eleuthera haunted? Like mdf I here to tell the tale
Alright so. My uncle took me and my cousin down to Eleuthera for a week to see my great Grammy something we use to do every so often. But one night he wanted us to go on the beach so we walked to the beach cus it was in good distance.
So leaving the beach it started to get dead drafty and cold and he decided we should take another route to get home cus it was quicker (in his opinion) but then he felt like someone was watching us so I started to get parry and kept looking back
The next time I look back I saw a lil girl standing under a street light and I showed my cousin and uncle and we all felt a lil relief cus it was like ok it’s a child but she did seem pale and my uncle was asking her questions but she wasn’t answering.
The street light flicker as he walk closer to her and when it cut on the little girl vanish my uncle break off running and we ran behind him nonstop to my greatGrammy house. And when we got inside we look outside the sliding door and she was under the light in front of our house
Alright Pt 2.

This time my aunty and I agreed that we probably just got hagged but it was the worst one I had ever experienced because this time I had actually been cut up and bleeding
So basically my aunty and I went to Eleuthera with my Grammy to go to a funeral and my Grammy and I didn’t wanna sleep in rooms by ourselves so we slept together.
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