ok say your sad and that it hurt and process your emotion. then release the thoughts and let it be okay. can we just acknowledge that it’s okay to be hurt and it’s ok to think about them? and it’s normal to go through the process of a range of emotion
find the lesson in it. what did you learn? it’s okay. you don’t have to pretend to be a hardass. it’s much easier to just say “that shit hurt. i’m processing it. i cared a lot. i loved hard and i always will.” shit hurts and you loved hard. the relation ending doesn’t change that
you should be proud that you cared. pretending like you don’t or trying to prove you’re over the situation when you’re not isn’t doing anything. you’re not flexing. you’re not better than anyone bc you pretend you don’t care. you’re denying your truth. i used to do that.
i used to say “fuck them” no, not fuck them forever. maybe for a little but, but we don’t hold resentment. no, i loved them. i really liked them. i vibed with them and i’m hurt but i’m going to focus on me and keep rising. imma keep loving hard and keep moving.
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