I have been #NeverBiden for a long time, but I've been listening to @_michaelbrooks and the @tmbsfm crew and they've been making some strong arguments in favor of voting for Biden. It's not an air-tight case but it does make me doubt my position.

Why shouldn't I vote for Biden?
My #NeverBiden theory is twofold:

A) We won't get anywhere while blindly pledging our votes to Democrats.

B) Neoliberalism will fail to solve & exacerbate major problems; it created Trump and will create more (even worse) Trumps if it's allowed to reign for the near future.
My arguments FOR voting for Biden are:

A) Democrats would rather lose to Republicans than win while becoming a sufficiently progressive party.

B) If A is true, if withholding our votes does no good, then harm reduction becomes the priority.

How do our votes encourage them when they don't give a shit about our votes?
Did I get blocked? lol
I deleted my tweet and reposted it
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