we, as a fandom, need to start reflecting the positivity of those we look up to. if matthew gray gubler, paget brewster, aj cook, all of them— if they saw what we were doing i don’t think they’d be proud of us. i’m not talking about anything specific or
anyone but just these past few weeks have been so toxic and we need to move forward and promote the positivity that we love about mgg, pg, aj, kv, etc. getting involved in drama and bringing a whole fandom into toxicity is just holding us back and we should focus on building
each other up. now, calling out someone who has invalidated someone else or related things obviously shouldn’t be tolerated and should be called out, but we really need to improve as a fandom and as fans to be nicer to each other and to ourselves. toxicity isn’t good for anyone’s
mental health or mental well being whether they’re involved in it or just a spectator. we all make mistakes, no one person is above another, and we should be working to build each other up instead of tearing each other down. again, this is not about calling out completely
unacceptable behavior such as the panphobe or racism, because i do believe those things need to be addressed. my point is; we can do better, you know? if not for each other, then for those we look up to.
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