let me clear my throat about some of you white so-called socialists:
don’t ever ask why we don’t have socialism in the united states yet.

so many so-called “progressive” or so-called “socialist” white people are more concerned with being capitalism’s new slave-masters than capitalism’s abolitionists.

everything is fucking consumption to y’all.
socialism is fucking aesthetic to y’all.

that’s why y’all can have a hammer & sickle in your bios while saying, “decolonization is an ethnostate but woke.” y’all put forward white g*n*c*d* talking points, but y’all are “communists”?

you white so-called marxist-leninists.
socialism is fucking aesthetic to y’all.

that’s why y’all can have bread & roses in your bios but y’all are totally fine with a state if it is an american state ran by the bernie sanders regime. but y’all are “communists”?

you white so-called anarchists.
socialism is fucking aesthetic to y’all.

y’all will have all these flags of global south countries—periphery & semi-periphery nation-states—in your bios & never defend them when your favorite imperial core politicians sides with the murderous american foreign policy status quo.
the difference between y’all white so-called socialists & us colonized communists—communists of color—is this is y’all’s hobby.

but for people of color? this is our lives.

this is a fucking phase a lot of y’all are going through, a game y’all play for fun.

we aren’t the same.
if socialism never washes over this settler-colonialist hellhole, y’all will be fine because y’all will still be protected by the covenant of whiteness. socialism or capitalism? not really relevant to y’all.
but socialism is colonized people’s only shot at humanity. humanity means NOTHING to a person who wasn’t dehumanized at birth.

socialism is a black & brown person’s only chance, but for a white person, socialism is one of many options.
that’s why y’all white so-called socialists prefer ~socialish~ entertainment to socialist movement building.

but that makes sense because y’all can only understand politics through the lens of personal consumption.
white so-called socialists want to do everything but work for socialism.

but this is the united states, making black & brown people work while y’all relax runs in y’all’s family tree.
i call a lot of y’all white so-called socialists “slave-masters” because y’all stay in the fucking house chuckling up a storm, having a jolly ole time, while the black & brown communists are in the fucking field...doing the fucking work.
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