What fresh nonsense is this?
That the reason Mr Cummings drove his sick wife and child 260 miles is because the child is autistic?
This will be a thread.
I'm autistic. I am the proud parent of a fantastic autistic son/
Mr Cummings, let us remind ourselves, has been part of the planning process for the Coronavirus from the start.
He has helped craft the lockdown rules.
They are not a total surprise.
He had weeks to plan what he would do in the event of getting the virus/
His son won't have just 'caught autism'. It's not a disease. He will have been fabulously autistic all his life.
So, the care needs of his son wouldn't be different all of a sudden.
So, Mr Cummings and his wife had years of planning time for childcare in emergencies/
The very last thing in the WORLD I would advise a parent of an autistic child to do in the midst of Mum being ill is to bundle the child in the car and drive five hours away to a strange house. Sorry, but that's just no.
What would I have done?/
a) Make a network of trusted people who are in his life, locally.
b) Stay put. Get people to bring needed things to the door.
c) If he needs rescuing, they come to get him. I don't get in the car to take him there.
I don't take a virus across the country. No way/
And given that Mr Cummings has helped design policies that have made the lives of the two million autistic people in this country a living hell, I have no idea how he thinks this looks to us.
If this Special Rule existed, why did NONE of us know about it except him?/
And who the hell gave him that advice?
To put an autistic child in a car - a tiny space - with a parent ill from Coronavirus - and make them travel 260 miles? "Because they're autistic"?
How did everyone else cope, then?
I've had a crisis where I was too ill to care for our son, & had to call on emergency help.
I had assembled that network of trusted people, and I'm autistic.
I called on that network.
That network helped.
I did not have to travel even one mile with him.
It's not hard.
Twitter is now awash with parents of autistic children who were told to STAY INDOORS, who got Coronavirus, and who cared for their child in the house.
They HAD to cope.
They were TOLD to cope.
They are angry.
I'll tell you something else.
I'm angry too.

This is nonsense.
And, for clarity, I was Vice-Chair of the Advisory Board for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Autism. I advised the MPs and their teams, along with the rest of the fine crew.

My advice would be simple.
I hope that is clear.
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