i’d rather my faith be known for compassion, peace and love (which is literally what Christianity is all about) than fear-mongering, condemnation, addressing non-believers as inferior people, and the infamous “my religion is better than yours”, but that’s just me. sekian. https://twitter.com/iblisterlaknat/status/1264402084503281665
the entitled mentality of the Malay-Muslim demographic regarding the superiority of their race and religion has to stop. it’s condescending and very discriminatory towards people of other religions, especially in our malaysian community, and only leads to more division.
you’re entitled to your own opinion and whichever God you choose to worship. just remember than nothing best reflects your religious teachings than your actions in the name of your religion.
if any form of violence is what you need to stoop to in order to defend your God, and if your faith/religion cannot withstand criticism and ridicule (which is honestly inevitable), then it’s a very sad sight to see. but then again, i’m not a Muslim, so who am i to say anything?
i’ll just follow what i’ve been taught in my faith to me, love and peace will make this dark world a better place.
i’ll end this thread with a Bible verse.
“Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law”. - Rom 13.8
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