Learnings from @LukeCoutinho17 in Lockdown

- Fad diets are a farce; listen to your body
- When anxious, breathe deep
- Intermittent & circadian fasting are a boon
- Digital detox 1 hour before and after sleeping
- Exercise the mind too, meditate
- Big pharma wants you to be sick
- Therapists want you to be depressed
- Good quality sleep is an underrated asset
- Stop whining, complaining, blaming. Be a DO-er
- Exercise can cure depression
- Stop comparing; each human is special- EMBRACE
- Home cooked food is the best
- Sip warm water to increase metabolism
- Indian spices have medicines hidden in them
- Negativity is a disease, consume what YOU want
- Count your blessings to feel positive
- Reduce scrolling mindlessly on social media
- Watching porn messes up your mind
- Good lifestyle is the best drug
- Stop eating junk, processed food
- Eat sufficient protein, don't make it a fad
- Your thoughts define you
- Thank @LukeCoutinho17 for this ocean of wisdom
- [ I'll keep updating this thread, follow me ]
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