Since it seems like we’re going in the direction of going green, then that really makes me wonder if agricultural tech is the next leading jobs with drone technology. Because I already know that building bridges and houses/any real estate will be one of them w/clean energy
With the dam collapses & bridges covered in Michigan and no one in media pushing it hard, I’m sure they are looking to use that land to prioritize agricultural tech in the states vs other countries to avoid trade. Bc that’s the only way it makes sense not to alarm the public
Pandemic lowers carbon emissions in a pre-industrial country-> clean energy tech & real estate on the rise with oil and oil production falls-> more lush land is created-> food insecurity from trade beef in other countries replaced by that lush land & paying a lower wage for labor
And I wouldn’t be surprised if they started some sort of war because it would stop China from becoming a world superpower which has been their aim for a long time. Which is why these other countries are treading very carefully with them. Because China only has these things
Anyways, I’ll just check this thread in the future because these are just only my predictions. I’m not sure 100%. This is just what I am seeing
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