George Chen.
James Hong.
David Wang.
Katie Cooper.
Christopher Michaels-Martinez.
Veronika Weiss.
May 23, 2014.
Yesterday marked 6 years since the night of the Isla Vista Tragedy. #ucsb #islavistastrong #weremberthem #notonemore
I remember preparing to head out with a group to eat that Friday night before someone’s roommate stopped us in our tracks with the announcement that someone had been shot outside of IV Deli.
What followed was a stream of social media posts and texts in attempts to account for friends and anxiously awaiting responses. A flashback to the night Melody Ross had her life snatched away in a drive by shooting at the sophomore year Homecoming game came flooding back to me.
I remember texting my mama just to check in and tell her that I had decided to stay in; on the off chance that the next morning there would be a news report so my parents wouldn’t worry.
We gathered in a dark living room and began putting together bits and pieces of information our peers were sharing and searched for any update as to what the situation unfolding was. Someone had been shot inside of IV deli, no it was outside of 7-11, no it was both.
There were a group of guys all over town, no they were just in a car. I remember the UCSB reddit page being the most useful resource that night as someone typed out everything they were hearing on the police scanner.
I remember finding out there were casualties. Once everything cleared we ventured out to try and find something to eat and IV felt like a Ghost Town.
I remember splitting an order of Carne Asada fries at Rosarito’s while overhearing the cooks give their account of hearing gunshots and hiding out in the kitchen. Afterwards, I remember drinking with others to briefly escape the realities of the events that had just occurred.
The next morning I remember walking down Pardall and seeing that the broken glass covering the sidewalks had not yet been cleared, but already the scene was flooded with cameras on nearly every corner.
I remember the numbing feeling that came when the names of those murdered were released. I remember seeing the face of the perpetrator broadcasted all over, and even today feel a lurch in my stomach when he continues to be glorified in circles of white supremacism and misogyny.
But I also remember the ways in which our small beachtown community came together in solidarity during the aftermath and has continued to heal over the years. #may232014 #islavistastrong #weremberthem #notonemore
Since then, 10 of the 26 deadliest shootings have occurred:
Sante Fe HS 2018
Tree of Life Synagogue 2018
Virginia Beach 2019
Borderline Bar & Grill 2018
San Bernardino 2015
Stoneman Douglas HS 2018
El Paso Walmart 2019
1st Baptist Church 2017
Pulse Nightclub 2016
Route 91 2017
Honoring the memories of those whose lives have been brutally cut short means advocating that meaningful action take place to ensure that these tragedies not only stop being so commonplace, but also that they never happen again. #notonemore #islavistastrong #werememberthem
Because the only things stronger than hate & fear are love & hope. #may232014 #notonemore #islavistastrong #werememberthem
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