My advice is to block literally everyone the second they indicate they're a troublemaker
I will add the additional caveat that all troublemakers for me (a gay man) have been women and other gay men
Just know that once you put something out in public, no matter how small you think you are, there are schizos who see every word you post as a conspiratorial trigger and who refresh your feed all day, bent on revenge for perceived slights
These people are experts in gaslighting (a much overused term these days) where they choose random people online, project elaborate fantasy scenarios on them, think they are owed something the person doesn't deliver, then depict themselves as victims
It always, *always* starts out with a degree of admiration which turns into vindictive bitterness when they realize they don't own you
In our SINS episode I said how the council of Nazis and jilted women conspiring against magazine magnate Helene Junot was a good representation of the haters that circle me like vultures. It's still true!
Something else you're not allowed to say--people imagine "feds" and Antifa having outsize influence, but haters, doxxers, and stalkers originate largely on *the right.* The call is coming from inside the house. Virulent antisemitism is a good red flag for mental illness
People who demonstrate true racist and antisemitic behavior are the most likely to develop weird split personalities where they attempt to drag others down and tattle to authorities--you see this with liberals too
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