actually ima rant on twitter. IGNORE THIS THREAD if suicide triggers you in anyway.(this in no way is to shame the mindset of anyone im always here for help)
Tweeting about suicide and calling it cowardly is the stupidest thing anyone could do. if you havent been the one to attempt DON'T say shit. if you've felt/known someone whos committed suicide, you should understand that they did it because they werent ok.
you need to realize tweeting insensitive shit isnt ok, it hurts people who've attempted, whos had someone whos done it etc. and people do it for many reasons and have different ways on how they think others may feel.
stupidest thing is to tweet about something you dont know about. you are hurting others ESPECIALLY when you are taking a serious thing and making it a joke, i do not care if you think its cowardly, you dont understand why people do it in the first place there for no room to speak
if you need to say some stupid shit like this, dont say it on a platform that has people who have experienced it, dont even bring it to social media.
you are causing people who may be triggered by this all to hurt and other things. YOU SHOULD NEVER put your opinion on something that hurts many people on the internet i do not care. if you think hes right DO NOT say he's always right !
it is a sick thing to do. i do not understand it at all. ive experienced it so much. i would literally explain my story but no i would get called a coward wouldn't i ? its a fucking joke if you even think of saying that then defend yourself
with some bs reply that doesnt even explain as to why you believe this. you have a platform of young teens, realize what your saying and how it can hurt people.
end of thread
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