I think this news must've been very personal for Ben.
During his struggling times, even his professional actor side got fucked up too, ie, Justice League. And he probably tried to forget the JL time as much as he could. 1/4
And now, not only he's back healthy and awesome, the Justice League situation got better too, ie, The Snyder Cut. We fans did something incredible for Zack, Ben & the others. 2/4
Also, I love that WB gave him 'The Way Back'. No studio makes movies like that anymore, it won't return anything back. They only did it for Ben cuz it's personal to him and he did a lot for the studio too. WB has great relationships with a lot of people. 3/4
Now this doesn't mean he's gonna jump right back in when Warner Media wants him for a 1 solo Batman. Making/starring in a superhero movie is still a mammoth task. Same with Zack, don't be shocked if JL2/3/BatfleckSolo doesn't happen though Zack is an unpredictable kingđź‘€ 4/4
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