OH MY GOD....... ok so storytime i was just scrolling thru twt and then i suddenly heard a cat... like a realy loud cat yowl comin from outside and now im like???? wtf happened and i looked around outside for evidence or shit like that... im just so +
worried now bc since one of my cats are outside and it sounded like it got hurt and idk if its her or not but ANYWAYS AAGGHH IM SORRY FOR THIS NOBODY ASKED FOR IT OK BYE IM DONE TALKING NOW
okay so after i put this tweet up i went back outside and looked around again but this time there's more cats that i've never seen before and so my cat's out there with them and growling at them so uhh... +
i think that's what the growling was??? i'll update in a bit, or like in a few minutes from now
okay so anyways the cat's gone now i chased it off and now im inside, warming up because its cold asf outside..... BUT!!!! yeah that was insane and something to do i guess, rated 5/10, wouldnt do it again, end of thread, thank you for reading .
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