A #2020Elections thread/rant:

I’ll probably vote for Biden, but it will be a struggle vote, a survival vote, and one I will deeply resent.

I know 4 more years of Trump may bring a level of disaster the world can’t recover from; a Steve Bannon level catastrophe.

That won’t do.
(2) As an organizer, it’s not my job to vote my values in a presidential election. My job is to advance a long term strategy to build power, cause I know big change comes in stages.

It takes generations to forward a strategy for our shared liberation. I’ll play my position.
(3) But, I don’t trust or like Biden. He doesn’t inspire me. He seems confused & arrogant at the same time. He is a racist. He may be a rapist.

Thing is, I despise and fear Trump. He’s deeply corrupt. He sees himself above the law. He is a racist and a rapist for sure.
(4) So, because I’ll play my position in service to a long-term strategy, I’ll probably vote for Biden barring another viable choice. But Democrats need to stop behaving like they are doing Black folks a favor. If we keep being taken for granted in this game, we’ll stop playing.
(5) If the Democratic Party acts like a rock and we know the GOP is a hard place, Black voters may stay home. The white liberals who claim a “fierce urgency of now”, yet have and will again blame Black voters for the failures of the Democratic Party, need to look in the mirror.
(6) Cause I will be damned if white folks from any party tell me how best to achieve my freedom, or shame me when I refuse to play the rigged game.

White supremacy is a system that is always working to sustain itself, across the lines of party and even nation-state.
(7) Bottom line —

It is the job of white liberals, progressives and Leftists to confront the racism of their counterparts, and transform the Democratic Party into something folks can believe in.
(8) It is the job of those for whom the party system has failed to do the long range and generational work of building a new kind of democracy and economy that dismantles the white supremacist state which Trump represents, and offer one that works for all the people.
(9) But, if the shared racism of the Left and the Right means we end up with a despotic President that will murder us all, it will be the fault of white folks who failed to adequately challenge racism.

It will NOT be the fault of Black, Latino, Muslim, Asian-American voters.
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