Just listened to this ... and it’s difficult to overstate how bad this could get if states begin making rash decisions about their budgets ... https://twitter.com/bisforberkshire/status/1264557737972830210
The other budgetary concern is that the fall will almost certainly bring an increase in tech spending. This post about ways to re-open schools is less pessimistic, but in imagining options increased tech use feels inevitable. https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/reopening-school/
So with vendors having most of summer to pitch their tools to districts, schools needing to increase spending on public health measures, and states proposing budget cuts ... this is a recipe for justifying significant personnel cuts & that usually means student-facing employees.
In fairness, multiple candidates had an eye on federal funding for K-12 schools — Klobuchar actually surprised me in terms of her fluency with edspeak — but Warren’s thinking was probably best tailored for this moment. But I’m not a school finance expert ... so lemme stop 🤷🏾‍♂️
The most troubling part of hearing that states are cutting/considering cutting budgets for education: the last time that happened due to an economic crisis, many never returned to pre-crisis levels (screenshot looks like automated transcript of the video): https://therealnews.com/stories/can-public-education-survive-covid-19
Also worth noting that off the top of my head in the Bay Area, Oakland Unified, West Contra Costa Unified, and San Francisco Unified were all facing deficits *prior* to the pandemic that led to discussions about cuts ... so ... yeah.
I never intended to do daily updates of our impending national educational disaster ... but new stories seem to be rolling in everyday ... so I’m gonna continue this thread because we’re staring a dire situation ...
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