
This ties into what I was saying earlier about how you're not even going to START fixing the industry's problems by getting rid of one white guy at WOTC. (And why not make your figurehead any one of the *actual harassers* still working in the industry?)

I mean, I'm not going to defend Mike Mearls leaking reports of harassment to Zak S. That was shitty and irresponsible.

But, like, Mearls didn't send unsolicited dick pics to women like I've heard from multiple people Jason Bulmahn sent them to.
He also hasn't, to the best of my knowledge, propositioned a woman he works with, then basically refused to work with her (and instructed his dept to follow suit) when she said no, like Bulmahn did to me.
He hasn't thrown abusive tantrums so bad that they literally *put an employee in the hospital*, like Vic Wertz did, in a meeting I was in.
this just has very uncomfortable echoes of the internet going harder after people who've protected abusers than the abusers themselves.
And as someone who STILL receives death and rape threats after a mob demanded I get fired for telling a man to stop telling me how to do my job, you'll have to forgive me if I side-eye internet campaigns to get anyone fired who hasn't *directly abused* a coworker or fan.
This is an easy and in the end, largely meaningless--as far as ensuring this stuff doesn't keep happening all over, all the time--target.
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