Thanks to this video & based on the reactions I’ve seen, I had to re-visit my perpective on this situation. True she’s very anti-black but a lot of black men’s outrage stems from the fact that she’s anti-black men. Their ‘preference’ doesn’t ‘prefer’ them. She ‘prefers’ white men
And to add salt to the wound, she bashes us and makes fun of police brutality the same way the racist white men she panders to, do. Had what she said only been directed at black women (especially dark skinned black women), many black men who are outraged right now would be silent
Being anti-black men in this country is also very triggering for black women who are conditioned to be ‘black male identified’. Many black men know this and use black women’s outrage to camouflage theirs under the guise of she hates black people. Which is true. But pay attention.
There are several light skinned mixed race women who have said some of the most colorist, dehumanizing and vile things about dark skinned black women but all of them ‘prefer’, praise and only date black men. If D*ja did the same, a lot of upset black men wouldn’t ‘cancel’ her.
As a matter of fact, they would coddle her and tell black women holding her accountable ‘it’s not that deep’. Or they’d just be very silent. But because D*ja’s anti-blackness was specifically directed at us & the fact that she glorifies white men, that’s why black men are upset.
Many only recognize that she’s in fact biracial and not black for this reason. There would be no ‘cancel party’ had her anti-blackness been limited at colorism towards dark skinned black women. They would say she’s a ‘black woman’ simply because she ‘prefers’ & dates black men.
Also be wary of black men who use the term ‘bedwench’. Nothing good ever comes out of their mouths after that. Chances are they’re part of cults lead by either T*riq n*sheed, Um*r J*hnson or other misogynistic ‘hoteps’.
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