Time for the Insecure Season 4, Episode 7 question thread! *PEWN! PEWN! PEWN!*

1. Would you have been angry if you were Molly and you knew Issa saw you in the restaurant and didn't speak?

#Insecure #InsecureHBO
2. "When you make a mistake it makes me look dumb, and you don't get paid to make me look dumb." Was Molly out of line for how she spoke to her assistant?" Why or why not? How wouuld you have responded?
3. What's the crappiest thing a boss ever told you? How did you respond?
4. What kind of traveler are you? Arrive early and at the gate waiting for the plane...or are you always rushing for, or missing flights (like me 😬)?
5. Do you mind when strangers talk to you on the plane or do you want to be left alone?
6. Sneaky public "boom-boom sexy time?" Yay or nay?
7. I died at "...pink butt thing." Toys? Yay or nay?
8. When you find out your friends have gone back to their exes, are you supportive (whatever makes then happy), stay completely out of it, or are you disappointed/angry/tell them how you feel?
9. Andrew mentioned when Nathan ghosted he was going through some mental health issues. Is that a valid excuse for Issa to let him back in, in your opinion? Do you think it brings the promise of future issues down the road? How would you handle it if you were Issa?
You can follow @UrsineNoir.
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