With layoffs likely to be coming ahead, as some one who has been laid off twice, just sharing my views on how to cope with it.
For starters be prepared for the worst, does not matter how long you have worked or how good you are. Layoffs don't really follow any rules.
Always keep looking out, don't take your job for granted. Even if you survive a layoff there is no guarantee you will the next time. Keep your CV ready.
Ensure you have enough money to get through the layoff phase. Always make sure you save up for the tough times, you never really know when they come, especially now. Good times don't last forever.
Reach out to people in your field who can actually help out, who have been there and done that. Writing a teary thread on Twitter or post on FB, might get you some sympathy or I Pray for you, but it is not going to help you in anyway.
Don't get carried away by people with big designations, they have as much utility as a door knob. Reach out to people who are actively in some work and can actually assist.
Be prepared for paycuts, or no hikes. With things as they are, you have to accept there will be no hikes, and you will have to adjust with what you have.
Layoffs are frustrating, stressful, having been through them twice I know how it is. Just ensure you have people close to you who can understand, and empathize.
One more thing, if you feel layoff is a chance for you to pursue what you wanted to do. Go ahead, but trust me that is not really a bed of roses. Be prepared for the uncertainities there too.
And finally stop taking Social Media influencers, Linked In quotes, Celeb quotes too seriously, most of them live in a La La land. Layoffs is a kind of reality check, so reach out to people who can actually help you or give you the support you need.
Also show some empathy with people who have been laid off. As some one who has been in corporate sector for past 20 years, layoffs have nothing really to do with "efficiency" or "merit". Most of them are essentially cost cutting exercises, because of dumb management decisions.
If only "merit" and "efficiency" mattered, most of the top and middle management would have been the first to be fired, but then that is another story altogether.
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