Any tips on how to go from laying on the floor of your one year old’s room, back to your own bed, having been here an hour, I will gladly take them literally right now...
I’m up on all fours. This is where I’ve got to before...
Up on one knee, hand on the chair. I’m going for the stand... Slight shifting around from the cot...
She’s banged her head but stayed asleep. I’m staying put for a mo.
Aaaaand I’m back in my own bed. Thank you for your continued support.
SHE’S AWAKE AGAIN. How. Literally how.
Okay she’s snoring again. I’m reattempting the stand.
I’m up!
Okay, while still making the ‘shushing’ noise (which I have been the whole time by the way), I’m headed to the door.
Every footsteps feels like a door slam at this crucial stage.
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