My manager texted me asking for my address cuz the boss wanted to send something over to me and I sure as hell know it's those dumb work productivity books he makes them read and write reports about. I swear I'mđŸ€close to quiting and if I lose my free time to focus on work I-!!🙃
this is so stupid, he must think we're aren't being productive enough🙄 just because we're working from home, it doesn't mean productivity boost by 200% I have so much personal shit to deal with at home that I don't stress over when I'm in the office but now I do ++ slow wifi
I've seen my managers dread over these books and they literally have no time to relax cuz they have to read and write their report about it. GIVE US TIME TO RELAX DON'T MAKE US THINK ABOUT WORK WHEN IT'S OUR BREAK/DAY OFF!!!!!!
if he's actually bringing over the high powered wifi router then I'll delete this thread BUT I SWEAR IF IT'S A BOOK, I WILL RIOT
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