I'm going to be honest. People are tweeting 'be kind to each other', and that's fantastic and I agree wholly. But I think it needs an accompaniment: DON'T BE A CUNT TO PEOPLE.

Lack of kindness didn't kill Hana. People being cunts to her did. So fucking don't. Just fucking stop.
My friend is dead. She killed herself at the age of 22 because of endless waves of hostility over a TV show. All she ever wanted to do was shine like the beautiful star she was, and now she's gone. It still doesn't feel real, but it is. It never should have happened, but it did.
I don't know what it takes to make people stop being fucking cunts to each other, but... I've lost one friend to bullying. I've got another friend who was chased away from something she loved by bullying. By people being fucking cunts for no reason. It's pointless cruelty.
I'd do anything to fix it. To bring Hana back and show her how much she was loved. To make things safer for my friends. But in one case, there's nothing I can do, and in the other, there's barely anything. And it hurts. A lot. To feel so fucking powerless in the face of cruelty.
All I can do now is whatever I can. To make things better. Why is it so much to ask that we not be cunts to each other? When did that become a huge thing to ask? I don't know. But now I'll do whatever I can to make things better. For Hana. For everyone.

Rest in peace, my friend.
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