If you didn’t start reading HP from the moment the books came out, and read every single one, you will never fully understand Harry Potter through just the movies..... which leads me to my point that people under appreciate HP 6....
As someone who has read the books, I feel what’s not said in moments of silence.... things are being said but you know through silence things that have been figured out and you can see them working through it without words.... am I making sense? For example....
In HP 6, once Harry gets the memory from Slughorn and Dumbledore ans Harry come out of the memory, Harry touches the ring when talking about Horcruxes, and you see Dumbledore pause bc of Harry’s reaction/connection with Voldemort’s mind....
And in that moment, You know that’s when Dumbledore realizes Harry is a horcrux(which you only know if you have read the last book). And it just hits you more significantly to watch these wordless scenes if you have read the book. Not boring at all.
That’s it. That’s the thread. Thank you for your time if you read all of it lol #HarryPotter #LifelongFan
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