Autism Rumours Unfounded?

I have looked into this to see if I could identify where it started and it appears that we could be in the realms of 2+2=5

There are a number of posts as the Cummings story developed from parents saying he should resign based on the fact they
adhered to lockdown even with though their children are on the autistic spectrum. It is easy to translate on at least 3 tweets that they insinuate Cummings has a child on the autistic spectrum. Where in fact they were just calling out how difficult it had been for them as parents
& how they have stuck to lockdown.

There are a number of live reports from Cummings house. The first tweet I can find mentioning Cummings child Autism is at 4.13pm "Apparently Dom's 4 year old child has autism, so clearly he needs to be around familiar family figures"
conts, "I hope the Leftwaffe and their media lackeys are really proud of themselves laying siege to the home of a four year old child with autism. Perhaps their finest hour"
The tweeter when asked a couple of hours later by another user "is this true" responds "don't know mate"
Then is then a tweet also running by @Tony_Diver reporting outside Cummings house, about the noise from Led by Donkeys truck. There is a reply at 4.21pm that says "isn't the Cummings child on the autistic spectrum?" No one comments on this tweet.
from here another couple of tweets mention the above and the original tweet begins to get more responses. Tweets start from a number of different users over next couple of hours.
It would be interesting to see where the first to tweet got their information?
I was interested as I have 2 boys who are much older now, who are on the spectrum. Reading articles from Dom & Mary around their time in isolation where Mary talks about her boy playing doctor, and where Dom talks about their boy bickering with Mary. Neither would suggest ASD.
I am sure we will see over the course of time if it was correct or just a Social media rumour.
I've always believe any raising of awareness of autism is a good thing so would be a little disappointed if someone as high profile as Cummings hadn't shared this to raise awareness if
true, as again whilst researching this I have seen a real lack of knowledge of autism in the wider public. Would it change my view that what they did was wrong? It would ease the anger a little but there are many other parents of autistic children who didn't relocate 260 miles.
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