Leftist infighting is odd to me because eventually a lot of us part ways in our ideologies, but I feel like we should try to reach that fork in the road first. Like I may disagree with some leftists about exactly how to handle guns, but I’m going to stand with them until (1/4)
That becomes a relevant point of disagreement. I’m not an ancom, and I may have fundamental differences of opinion to them on the best way forward, but they’re still a comrade. Leftist ideology is all made up anyway. We don’t know the best way to seize power (2/4)
Or redistribute resources. We have methods we prefer and fight toward, but to me, we’re all in this together. We don’t know the best way forward. When we’re in a position of power, then we can hash out our differences. But the leftist infighting and sense (3/4)
Of superiority by every side is just self-destructive. I don’t care what your ultimate government (or absence thereof) looks like. I want to know that we can work together right now. (4/4)
Should add: I think disagreements and debate are fine and necessary along the way. But when they fracture group solidarity, I start questioning the intent.
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