I'm just...tired, y'all. I'm tired of mask bikini lady. I'm tired of "non parents have no quarantine struggle" Brooklyn mommy. I'm tired of "we can't police lake of the ozarks" from the state that brought out SWAT in Ferguson. I'm tired.
I want to go to a movie with my mom and go swimming and go eat Mexican food with my bestie and hug my partner and I'm not doing any of it because I have sense and so do they. I'm gonna spend my 40th birthday at home. It sucks. Death, however, is permanent.
And I'm an essential worker, lucky enough to work from home most of the time but regularly having to go to court and I'm scared, because what if the people around me are being cavalier and I bring death home to my house? Because you wanted to grill out this weekend.
understand that if I get this or carry it to anyone I love and a contact tracer turns up your identity there is no way I'm not fighting you unless death takes me first. there are kids here.
I'm so very tired and I don't feel well today and knowing people are out there Masque of the Red Deathening it up pisses me all the way off.
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