1/ Had a really interesting day on #medtwitter today, re: #advocacy #activism #primarycare courtesy of @MParshleyMD @sagar_ankita @EricLast3 @gabrieldane @meggerber @mmteacherdoc @sulane7 @SusanHingle @dhpomerantz @UREssien

... and of course that made me think #baseballcards ->
2/ I was reminded that one hobby I have to relax me when pandemics, hubris, RVUs and #disparities are driving me bonkers 😜 = old ⚟ cards.

On my recent B day my nieces/nephew bought me a pack of 2020 (?lost season) cards. Decided to open them ->
3/ they are new, shiny, the photography is awesome. Look at that Bryce Harper! The Laureano catch!

Rizzo for the Cubbies. Alfonzo of my Mets. -> getting back to the #advocacy in the environs of our institutions, promise ...
4/ After I opened up the new 2020 cards, felt like pulling out my real draw to cards, my remaining vintage cards. So check these out, they all have a common thread.

1964 Topps Roberto Clemente
1970 Kellogg’s Curt Flood
1953 Bowman Roy Campanella
1952 Bowman Minny Minoso

5/ The vintage ones, not as shiny, ... but works of art, great photography, older but innovative ... and these subjects were brave and laser focused, quietly and loudly, on change and on righting things that were blatantly wrong with an institution.
6/ Flood went all the way 2the Supreme Court 2challenge the reserve clause and ... lost, but paved the way.

Minoso was a dark skinned Cuban player who broke his own exclusionary barrier

Campanella was the son of a Sicilian father and Black mother - they proudly lived life->
7/ in Philadelphia when mixed couples and their children were far from welcome, later their son was noted to be someone who could bridge divides ...

And Clemente fought tirelessly for equity in baseball and the world, always looking to the needs of disenfranchised sufferers ->
8/ of the same dehumanizing disparities that are magnified now by how this virus hit marginalized communities in need.

We docs should be attorneys 4 the poor, a certain pathologist said.

We have to raise the new shiny ones to live an oath to patients, true, ... but also ->
9/ 2fulfill an oath to justice, equity &dignity.

Those portrayed in my vintage cards would expect no less ..

Tagging some of my baseball tribe who may be interested in above.

@laurelfick @templeratcliffe @andrewolsonmd @DrSinhaEsq @CardboardHistry @SAmbertPompey @ETSshow
10/ adding @adamcifu @tony_breu @JoeCMD @jmugele @PDX_Tom @aoglasser @joemd ... hoping you all might enjoy the thoughts/pics from my nutty hobby too ...
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