It was NEVER just about Kara getting laid or being able to kiss someone properly or even feel their touch. Trust me, I'm well aware that it's possible to survive without those things. You know what it's not possible to survive without? Real connection and genuine understanding.
Too many of y'all - this goes for fans and the writers alike - are so far up Kara Danvers' ass that you would be perfectly fine with Kara ZOR-EL wearing that mask for the rest of her life, even forgetting about Krypton and her mom and everything she used to know.
Kara isn't her damn cousin and until writers get this through their fucking thick heads, her story will never be told properly.

Clark is a glorified Captain America. He may have been born on Krypton, but he thought himself a human FIRST, who then became a superhero as an adult.
Tbh his story has never made sense to me and I really don't give a fuck to try to find the reason in it.

But Kara's story makes sense. It is clear and straightforward and it is poignant and worthy on its own. So I'm gonna need y'all to STOP TRYING TO FUCKING TURN HER INTO CLARK.
Kara has known she's an alien from the second she came to Earth as a child and the only reason she's agreed to lie and pretend to be human - going against her own values - is to protect others.

Kara wanting to feel normal ≠ Kara Danvers
So now that we've established that Kara is NOT Clark and that her story shouldn't be a "copy + paste + change pronouns and throw in fake feminist bullshit so it seems more woke" version of his, let's state the obvious: any romantic relationship with a human will never be enough.
Best case scenario, even with those to whom Kara reveals herself, is that she doesn't carry the burden of lying. But even Alex can't provide the kind of real connection and genuine understanding that Kara needs from a romantic partner.
Kara has been through too much, and currently deals with too much, to settle for anything less than someone who can have her back at all times in every way. And you can bet your ass that that means another alien who can truly understand her.
So if there's no plans to make Karamel endgame, then there's two other options:
1) have her date another alien on Earth since there seems to be plenty; or
2) have Kara go back to Argo in the near future where she can meet another Kryptonian.
Now, to be clear, the best choice is still Mon-El and even another alien would pale slightly in comparison.

But another alien is still better, and much more true to who Kara is and her story, than a human will EVER be.
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