1/ I am (nervously) on board with my county starting to open up this week. Our friends & neighbors need to get back to work. @DauphinCounty—let’s show everyone we can do this while still maintaining pandemic precautions.
2/ Show me you want my business by wearing a mask and asking me to wear one too. Show me you care about me by maintaining 6’ between us. Treat every customer like they are immune compromised and their safety is in your hands (because it is).
4/ To my neighbors—let’s show each other we care about each other. My mask protects you; your mask protects me. I will show you that I care about your health & you will show me you care about mine.
5/ Remember our history--the 1918-19 flu pandemic (which took 50M lives), had 3 waves. #1 in March 1918, #2 in fall 1918, and #3 in winter/spring 1919. The 2nd wave was the deadliest.
6/ #SocialDistancingFatigue is real. I get it. I’m tired of it too. But this is a test—masks & distancing are more important than ever as we reopen. If we fail this test, history WILL repeat itself. (end)
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