A "documentary" by the guy who can't even be bothered to do the bare minimum of research for his "every game for [insert console name here]" videos, I'm sure this is great. 😐
Yep, this is insufferable, not even going to make it past two minutes. Now if decino did a video on the same subject it would be awesome, because he's a programmer himself and actually knows what the fuck he's talking about.
See: decino's video on why you can't get 100% kills on every level in Serious Sam: The First Encounter.
decino is by far my favorite gaming YouTuber, and it's hilarious to me how people got angry at his apparent boredom in parts of his Doom Eternal playthrough. His calm, relaxed attitude is what makes his videos so appealing, why would that be any different with this game?
Anyway, this is where I recommend that Doom Eternal playlist as a fantastic resource for effective strategies to deal with the game's toughest enemies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYZp53E4M0t-Bf7nlnVngvmWzIy37Ntwo
The Taras Nabad video was invaluable for getting that fucking Pain Elemental toy collectible, I can't even count how many times I rewound it to the relevant timestamp so I could figure out the specific angle required for punching the wall and getting the item.
And even with that knowledge I had to reload the checkpoint multiple times, on both saves, before I got the item. On save file 2 (the one where I finally got the Taras Nabad trophy) I punched the wall but missed getting the item and had to fast-travel back to it.
Holy shit, decino actually guested on one of this guy's videos, I guess I should take back my cynicism from the first two posts of this thread.
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