Online con game time...
Exploring a subterranean dwarven ruin. Dwarf-ghosts trapped there by magic mcguffin thing. Down we go deeper, to destroy it... (I am the fighter)
Green slime drops on one of our clerics!
I am pathetically unable to lift a damn portcullis.
Scooby-Doo hallway chase to avoid gelatinous cube
Glowing mushrooms, a delver's best friend...
Strange crystals...and a room with frescoes.
Eyot the thief and Vorkos the M-U were in the room - yeesh - Eyot is paralyze, Vorkos tries to pull him out, but now it's save vs poison time and they both fail --
-- but Vorkos gets Eyot out!
Poor Vorkos lives, but all his stats are borked. Still 14 Int though!
Undead dwarves approach -- can our clerics deal with them, or will there be blood?
They flee the silver cross of Mungo the Most Holy! Now we have another portcullis to deal with. There's a lot of lifting going on tonight.
Side note: getting the DM and the players to speak the same "mapping language" is key to play-time efficiency.
A room with three golden thrones meant for larger-than-human asses. Hmm.
Eyot the thief dares to sit upon the central throne, and must roll a bunch of dice...
...and takes a good bit of damage from the chaos energy flowing through the throne!
The DM calls for a Save versus Poison (Eyot's second of the game), which he fails. The energy of the throne infects him, and Eyot swerves from Neutral to Chaotic!
Several rooms later, Eyot is tries to make friends with some evil dwarfundead, but it doesn't work. Combat time.
Mungo turns the cruel chaos-dwarf spirits, and we continue onward!
A headless mechanical ant of considerable size!
...and now a whole storeroom of the robo-ants, deactivated. Now perhaps we understand dwarven digging prowess.
Next room contains a large blue crystal, glowing -- is this the mcguffin we need to destroy to let the dead rest?
Eyot the Daring touches the crystal and passes his Save vs Death Magic as electricity coruscates across his flesh!
Perhaps this is the power source for the mcguffin, one floor down - but we can't get through the floor...
Things moving quickly now - a room with a sacrificial altar - a trapped door - one of our thieves falls down a pit trap!
We find descending stairs, blocked by a pair of dwarven wraiths -- the clerics turn them and they flee down the stairs!
And that's where we stop, time's up. Note: zero actual combats, only fleeing and turning. The map, now that the DM is revealing it for funsies, is pretty complex, no wonder we had difficulty mapping.
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