And here we go again.
This is the fourth of several mega-threads of recommendations, shout-outs, points of interest, asides, random comments, and vague references as I go through the new jazz release listings on @Bandcamp
There's an insane amount of music getting uploaded to @Bandcamp. INSANE amounts. Same as previous nights, I'm gonna go through the new releases, one album after the next, and tweet out anything that looks interesting. Might be good, might not, whatever piques my interest.
And remember, contributing to the steep increase in albums flooding the new release section are older sessions the artist/label are just now uploading. So this is a good opp to check out stuff that's a little in the rear view mirror. Plus live sets, demos, quarantine one-offs etc
If you’re stuck at home, quarantined, isolated, or in desperate need of distraction, I am going to keep you occupied with all kinds of music to check out.
And it would appear that you'll be getting one of these every Sunday night for the foreseeable future.

Let's begin.
Jason Palmer's 2019 release just got uploaded to a BC page. He's also got a 2020 release that adds Joel Ross on vibraphone
Okay, I remember this album from a little while back from Roger Rota. Was released on Aut Records. Doesn't appear I wrote about it & the fact that I remember it probably means it was a time decision not a music one. Listening now & enjoying 
A 2013 release from Matteo Bortone just hit. I've written about the bassist previously via the Auand label (more on that a bit later). Definitely worth checking out. Has Francesco Diodati on guitars
Here's a 2002 release from Amanda Monaco. Was introduced to her music originally via her album "Glitter," released on Posi-Tone a few years back
Hmm interesting pre-order available on a new one from Cory Smythe. Voices & loops
New release from the Heisenberg Uncertainty Players, outta my old hometown of Chicago. Wrote about them a few years back 
Two new tracks from Angel Bat Dawid (also from my old hometown Chicago)
Damn, those two tracks from Dawid sound really good, too. Just want to sit & spend some time with 'em, but, unfortunately, gotta circle back to them later so this thread can keep going.
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