Two things: 1) totally buried that Johnson today doubled down on decision to re-open schools on June 1. Despite report from @IndependentSage saying it’s not safe, major concerns from unions & every single one of *govt’s own models* showing schools opening=R rising above 1
2) Cummings cannot become a reason to break lockdown rules. We weren’t obeying them for the sake of the govt. we were obeying them for the sake of each other. In the face of a govt that’s not prepared to put our interests first, it’s down to us to protect ourselves & each other
We did it for #NHS. We did it for each other. And we know people will die if we follow Cummings’s example. That’s why this row cannot be allowed to drown the public health message. We have to be better than them because our lives - & those most at risk - depend on it
Stay alert. Ignore the government. Save lives
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