[Thread/Story] Today, I made sure to show my wife that her little things matter to me.
So this morning she woke up to phone calls from her office. The plans she had in place went from "We'll be ready for anything" to "We'll do the best with what we have". It happens.

She comes to me, she hugs me silently & gingerly. Afterwards, asks for a Dairy Queen Blizzard.
Now, an aside. My wife has, for the entire time we've been married, asked for a specific Blizzard. Reece's PB cups + Banana flavored ice cream. Don't know if it's a powder, a real banana, it's magic to me. But she loves it and it's what she gets.

DQ is closed... COVID.
I let her know this, and you can hear the deflated resolution in her voice of "ok... thanks for trying".

I sat at my computer, no other restaurants make anything close but McD. But Fug McFlurry based on principle of it feeling like "settling for an alternative"

To Instacart!
NOTE: At this moment, I'd been up for nearly 36 hours with a 1.5 hour nap. I need to sleep, so I just let the wife know "Wake me up when Instacart gets here", she says ok.

Nap time. I get woken up, get the groceries, she has no clue.
So there I am, bringing out the blender, finding out "Oh lord, hopefully this won't taste like crap" when mixing ice cream, almond milk and a banana, then I mix in some dark chocolate Peanut butter cups. Do what I can to emulate...

It was horrible. Frankenstien worthy crap.
I threw those two attempts to the kids (the equivalent of our black hole pets) and made a final one that resembled what she typically enjoys. I put it in her huge Tinkerbell cup. (She loves Disney)

I walk to her computer, put it in front of her and she looks at it confused.
So then I attempt to say the phrase I'd be mentally practiced while doing all of this.

Intent: "You don't let your people down at work, so I don't care if there's no DQ right now, I'm not going to let you down."

I know I'd deliver it well on stream, life... well... I'm awkward.
Reality: "You let people down at... you don't let people down at work. So I shouldn't be the same. I mean, I don't...


To which she smiles at me, kinda tears up, looks at the mug & says softly "...Blizzard..."
I believe it's important to never stop at the first obstacle when it comes to your partners, be they who you work with, who you befriend, or whom you share your life.

Actively choose to spend effort to succeed beyond failure. They are worth that effort. They put up with you!
And beside that noble thought... I selfishly got what I wanted after all that effort... my wife smiled at me.

Needed to share that story so I could get back to bed. Do well to those you care for, friends.
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