Some long-haired fellow was standing behind me in a long checkout line at a "record store" in Harvard Square in the 1970s. He opined, apropos of nothing, "You know, there are no hippies left any more, man!" I turned and retorted "Really? All sold out?".
This jape was so humorous, you see, because it depended on the double meaning of "to sell out." Perhaps I'd simply misunderstood my neighboring line-stander—perhaps!—and thought that some "hit record" of the day had just sold out at this store!
But he was a dull fellow and imagined I'd simply misunderstood his own statement of opinion. He reiterated that there were just no real hippies any more—not as in his fabled days of yore. And although I explained my bons mots to him, and then reëxplained, it was to no avail.
Eventually we reached the head of the line, and he lost his chance finally to "get" my joke. How sad I felt! If only I'd had more time, and maybe a transparency projector, I could have made him understand the brilliant humor in my offhand reply.
In the years since, I've often regretted not immediately inviting this simple man out for a bowl of sesame seeds and mineral water, and iterating ceaselessly until the dullard could finally "tie the pieces together" and laugh as much as I had when I first told my clever joke!
I've so often wished I could have done better, but alas, the past is immutable—as I have so often learned in my own life, and as I have even more often explained to others.
But I've just today realized—perhaps this young man, once a "hippie" himself but a stolid senior citizen these days, "follows" me on "Twitter," or follows someone who follows me, and so on. That's why I've typed in this detailed explanation of my very funny joke.
If you are he, now you must *finally* appreciate my joke and you can finally laugh, almost 50 years later! But if you are *not* he—perhaps HE is a follower of YOURS! Please retweet this thread, but refrain from adding your own comments, as they might confuse the old fellow.
Please do retweet! The dismal codger may not have laughed since the 1970s, ever since my extremely humorous jest went "over his head!" [Insert over-ones-head hand motion here.] And feel free also to laugh uproariously yourself now. Thank you! And you are welcome.
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