Why do parents always think they suffer more than everyone else?

1) It's not true. Everyone is having a hard time right now for different reasons. 2) No one forced you to have kids. What do you get from bragging about your suffering, besides feeling morally superior? https://twitter.com/inLaurasWords/status/1264494510635200512
Absolutely no one:

Parents: Off to war against my kids again. Those selfish childfree people would never understand. All they know twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie.
Yes of course parenting is very hard. Which is why I'm not having kids. I know it's infinitely more difficult for mothers/primary parents.

You can say that without comparing yourself to people who don't have kids, & assuming we're just having fun in the middle of a global crisis
There are people who desperately want kids but can't have them for some reason who are hurt by tweets like this as well.
Anyway, currently fueling my "I'm never having kids" fire by reading this thread https://twitter.com/TrixieNumba9/status/1201547660022304772
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