Thread On Why Reboot Lara Croft is just as good as Classic Lara.
Lets start off by saying i LOVE all iterations of Lara Croft.
And while classic lara was a great character. Reboot lara is just as good. In a different way obviously but that doesn’t mean its bad.
Reboot Lara brought a different perspective of what being an Anti-hero is.
She’s strong, yes she is because showing your TRUE emotions and her vulnerability is hard and she is not afraid to show it is EMPOWERING. She makes mistakes, showing imperfections are ok. Its ok to be imperfect.
she would sacrifice her life to fix whatever needs to be fixed, and she’s determined, she doesn’t take no as an answer.
Reboot lara shows her audience that no matter the obstacles, the nuances etc ..that you can do it. Because you’re that kind of croft.
Yes reboot lara is not as confident, experienced etc as old lara, cause she just became an adult. All she knew was taken away from her in different ways.
However she’s fighting for her life to find her footing in this world and her place, something i bet 90% of us feel the same.
She’s after her father’s footsteps because she needs that kind of closure and finishing her dad’s “missions” would make her feel like she gave his soul some peace.
Of course the reboot games aren’t perfect but neither were the classics.
We have about 7 games about Lara being confident, strong and all of that. I think we can handle 3 games with a more down to earth, imperfect yet determined, not afraid to show her vulnerability yet not letting anyone stop her Lara.
With that being said, only people with more than 2 brain cells can appreciate all iterations of lara croft without praising one version JUST to tear down another one muah 💋
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