Lifting with my son update:

It seems he has exhausted his newb gains!

Squats body weight for reps.
Deadlifts 1.5 x body weight.
Benches near his body weight.

And now we’ve stalled.

So we switched from 5x5 to 5/3/1.

All since October.

Proud papa!
Man. What if my dad had me doing 5/3/1 at 13. I’d be as big as the Mountain by now.

This is one of the biggest gifts I could give my son.

It hasn’t been free though. His mom and her boyfriend hate it.

My boy is becoming a man and they try to discourage him all the time. :(
“You’ll stunt your growth.”
“Your dad is doing it all wrong.”

The real issue is Mom being afraid her little boy is becoming a man and might grow up to be like his daddy.

This makes it hard.

I feel for the kid.

But he persists.

He wants to be strong.

Together we will do it.
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